
Parallel Architectures

Picture of NVIDIA Ampere architecture

In the processor section we learned about instruction-level parallelism and how there are limits to how much parallelism there is in our applications. However, we can overcome this, by leveraging multiple processors.

In this section, we’re going to learn about how to combine multiple independent instruction streams executing on different hardware to improve performance.

Unfortunately, we’re running out of time this quarter. If we had another 4-6 weeks, I would love to spend that entire time on this subject! But, we can’t.

Therefore, we’re going to touch on a number of topics quickly. Not all of the videos/lectures in the following section will be required. Feel free to skip the ones that are not required if you need to spend time on other classes, or just need a mental break. However, if you’re interested to learn about how modern architecture work, you’ll find lots of good information in these optional lectures. The optional lectures will be clearly marked.

Parallel system’s performance

Parallel Architectures and Programming

Parallel Memory Systems

Accelerator architecture