
Originally from University of Wisconsin-Madison CS/ECE 752.

Modified for ECS 201A, Winter 2024.

Due on 1/29 1:59 pm (PST): See Submission for details

Table of Contents


You should submit your report in pairs. Make sure to start early and post any questions you might have on Piazza. The standard late assignment policy applies.

Use classroom: assignment 2 to create an assignment. You will be asked to join/create an assignment. If your teammate has already created an assignment, please join their assignment instead of creating one assignment otherwise create your assignment and ask your teammate to join the assignment.


In this assignment, you are going to:

  • Learn how you can use gem5 to profile programs,
  • Evaluate the performance of different configurations of a pipeline,
  • Use Amdahl’s law in practice.

This homework is based on exercise 3.6 of CA:AQA 3rd edition (the former textbook for this course) and was developed in part by Jason Lowe-Power et al., then modernized by Matt Sinclair and Jason Lowe-Power.


For this assignment we are going to use DAXPY as our workload. The DAXPY loop (double precision aX + Y) is an often used operation in programs that work with matrices and vectors. The following code implements DAXPY in C++.

#include <cstdio>
#include <random>

int main()
  const int N = 131072;
  double X[N], Y[N], alpha = 0.5;
  std::random_device rd; std::mt19937 gen(rd());
  std::uniform_real_distribution<> dis(1, 2);
  for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
    X[i] = dis(gen);
    Y[i] = dis(gen);

  // Start of daxpy loop
  for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
    Y[i] = alpha * X[i] + Y[i];
  // End of daxpy loop

  double sum = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
    sum += Y[i];
  printf("%lf\n", sum);
  return 0;

You can find the definitions for the workload objects in gem5 under workloads/ In this assignment, we will only be using DAXPYWorkload. In order to create an object of DAXPYWorkload you just need to call its constructor (__init__) function.

Experimental setup

In this assignment we are going to measure the impact of different pipeline latencies on the overall performance of the system. As we discussed in the class it is important to consider measured performance as a product of both software and hardware. In this spirit, it might be useful to get a picture of the instruction mix in our workload. You might find this information useful in later steps of your analysis. As part of this assignment, you will only modify/change the CPU model. Models for the board, cache hierarchy, and memory will remain a constant in your experiment.

  • Board models: You can find all the models you need to use for your CPU (processor) under components/ You will only be using HW2RISCVBoard in this assignment.
  • CPU models: You can find all the models you need to use for your CPU (processor) under components/ There are a few classes defined in components/ However, the main classes (models) you will need to use are HW2TimingSimpleCPU and HW2MinorCPU.
  • Cache models: You can find all the models you need to use for your cache hierarchy under components/ You will only use HW2MESITwoLevelCache in this assignment.
  • Memory models: You can find all the models you need to use for your memory under components/ You will only use HW2DDR4_2400_8x8 in this assignment.
  • Clock frequency: You can use a clock frequency of 4 GHz for all of your simulations.

Region of Interest (ROI)

In your role as a computer architect, it’s crucial to focus on the code segments that put the most strain on the specific hardware component you’re targeting. There are usually three segments to a program: (a) initialization, (b) computation, and (c) verification. As you might have guessed, segment (b) is the important section that you need to study. In the DAXPY code above, our ROI is the DAXPY loop.

  // Start of daxpy loop
  for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
    Y[i] = alpha * X[i] + Y[i];
  // End of daxpy loop

In gem5, you can annotate this region with gem5-specific instruction. In the workloads/daxpy/daxpy.cpp, the code is annotated as:

#ifdef GEM5

  // Start of daxpy loop
  for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
    Y[i] = alpha * X[i] + Y[i];
  // End of daxpy loop

#ifdef GEM5

To compile this program, you need to include the gem5/m5ops.h header file. In the stats file generated after the simulation, you will only have statistics within the defined ROI. For this assignment, the code is already compiled. You can find the binary daxpy-gem5 and it’s assembly daxpy-gem5-asm in the workloads/daxpy/ directory.

If you want to manually compile this program, follow this instructions:

all: daxpy-gem5 daxpy-gem5-asm

  rm daxpy-gem5 daxpy-gem-asm

  $(CROSS_COMPILE)g++ daxpy.cpp -o daxpy-gem5 -static -O2 -I$(GEM5_ROOT)/include -DGEM5 -L$(GEM5_ROOT)/util/m5/build/riscv/out -lm5 
  $(CROSS_COMPILE)g++ daxpy.cpp -o daxpy-gem5-asm -static -O2 -I$(GEM5_ROOT)/include -DGEM5 -L$(GEM5_ROOT)/util/m5/build/riscv/out -lm5 -S -fverbose-asm

You need to include the gem5.h file. More on including and linking gem5’s m5 can be found here.. If you want to dump the dynamic assembly instructions, you need to use tools like objdump to do so.

objdump daxpy-gem5    # or riscv-linux-gnu-objdump


In your configuration scripts, make sure to import exit_event_handler using the command below.

from workloads.roi_manager import exit_event_handler

You will have to pass exit_event_handler as a keyword argument named on_exit_event when creating a simulator object. Use the template below to create a simulator object.

simulator = Simulator(board={name of your board},

Analysis and simulation

Complete the following steps and answer the questions for your report. Collect data from your simulation runs and use simulator statistics to answer the questions. Use clear reasoning and visualization to drive your conclusions. You are allowed to submit your reports in pairs and in PDF format.

Step 0

Before starting simulation and analysis, you should be able to identify the ROI of a program.

  1. For the DAXPY’s assembly code, identify the ROI. In your report, copy the assembly code segment corresponding to m5_work_begin and m5_work_end.

Step I

Before running any simulations try to answer these questions. Try to make an educated guess.

  1. If you were to divide instructions in a program into the three categories of integer, floating point, and memory instructions, do you think each category would constitute equal parts of a program?
  2. Do you think different programs will have a different mix of these categories? Why?

Recommended Reading: I recommend you read up on these concept(s): arithmetic intensity, roofline model.

TimingSimpleCPU is an internal CPU model in gem5’s code base that models the execution of non-memory instructions as a single cycle CPU. This CPU model is a useful tool for extracting information on the instruction mix of a program. You can find the definition of HW2TimingSimpleCPU which is based on TimingSimpleCPU in components/

Write a configuration script that will simulate the execution of DAXPYWorkload on HW2TimingSimpleCPU. Make sure to track the simulation outputs for later use. In the statistics output look for committedInstType. This statistic represents a distribution of different operation classes executed by the processor.

In your report, answer the same questions after simulation supported with data. Use HelloWorldWorkload from workloads/ as a second program to compare instruction mixes. A complete set of simulation data for this step should include two configuration (one for DAXPYWorkload and one for HelloWorldWorkload).

Step II

For this step, write a configuration script that allows you to simulate DAXPYWorkload with HW2MinorCPU. Make sure to understand how to instantiate an instance of HW2MinorCPU. NOTE: Although you can call its constructor function (__init__) without any input arguments passed, you will need to set those values for your experimentation. Please make sure to read the documentation for HW2MinorCPU and understand what each of the input arguments to __init__ mean.

MinorCPU is one of gem5’s internal CPU models that models an in-order pipelined CPU. HW2MinorCPU is based on MinorCPU. The default pool of functional units for MinorCPU includes two integer units and one floating point and SIMD unit.

Modify your configuration script to allow for changing issue latency, and floating point operation latency. For your reference, issue latency measures the number of cycles between injection two consecutive instructions into the pipeline. An issue latency of 4 cycles means that an instruction is injected to the pipeline, every 4 cycles. On the other hand, floating point operation latency refers to the number of cycles it takes to complete the execution of a floating point instruction. In this step, measure your simulated performance for different combination of these two latencies. For simplicity’s sake, start with an initial value of 4 cycles for issue latency and an initial value of 2 cycles for floating point operation latency. Moreover, assume you can trade issue latency with floating point operation latency. In addition, assume that the product of issue latency and floating point operation latency will always remain at a constant of 8. For your simulations, evaluate the performance of the configurations shown below.

# issue latency floating point operation latency
1 4 2
2 2 4
3 8 1

NOTE: Make sure to keep track of your simulation outputs for all of your simulation runs for your later analyses.

In your report, answer the following questions after simulation supported with data. A complete set of simulation data for this step should include three configurations (three possible combinations of issue latency and floating point operation latency).

  1. Between the 3 designs, which one did you find to be the best design?
  2. Why do you think your chosen design in question 1 results in the best performance? Can you reason about why you would prefer optimizing one of the latencies over the other?

Step III

For this step, modify your configuration script to allow for changing integer operation latency and floating point operation latency. Let’s assume our processor has a very fast decode stage that can issue both integer and floating point instructions in 1 cycle. Next, let’s focus on integer operation latency and floating point operation latency. Let’s assume an initial value of 6 cycles for integer operation latency and an initial value of 12 cycles for floating point operation latency. For your experimentation, suppose you can only reduce one of these latencies by a factor of 2. This means that you can build a processor with an integer operation latency of 3 cycles and a floating point operation latency of 12 cycles or a processor with an integer operation latency of 6 cycles and a floating point operation latency of 6 cycles. For your experimentation, simulate the baseline case and the two possible improved cases. Here is a table showing all possible combinations of the latencies that you need to experiment with.

# integer issue latency integer operation latency floating point issue latency floating point operation latency
1 1 6 1 12
2 1 3 1 12
3 1 6 1 6

In your report answer the following questions.

  1. Use Amdahl’s Law and the information you gathered from Step I to predict the speed up of each improved case over the baseline. Which design would you choose? NOTE: The only simulation result you can use to answer this question is the data you gathered from Step I.
  2. Using simulation results, what is the speed up of each improved case over the baseline design?
  3. If there are any differences between your answer to questions 1 and 2, what do you think could be the reason?


  • Take a look at the assembly code for the DAXPY loop below (you can also find the complete assembly for it under worklaods/daxpy/daxpy-gem5-asm). Can you point out some dependencies between the instructions? Do you think only looking at the instruction mix gathered from Step I provided enough information to apply Amdahl’s law?
  • Think about the other stages of the pipeline, in this question we have only focused on decode and execute.
# daxpy.cpp:27:     Y[i] = alpha * X[i] + Y[i];
	fld	fa4,0(a5)	# MEM[(double *)_56], MEM[(double *)_56]
	fld	fa5,0(s2)	# MEM[(double *)_49], MEM[(double *)_49]
# daxpy.cpp:25:   for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
	addi	a5,a5,8	#, ivtmp.133, ivtmp.133
	addi	s2,s2,8	#, ivtmp.132, ivtmp.132
# daxpy.cpp:27:     Y[i] = alpha * X[i] + Y[i];
	fmadd.d	fa5,fa5,fa3,fa4	# _5, MEM[(double *)_49], tmp181, MEM[(double *)_56]
# daxpy.cpp:27:     Y[i] = alpha * X[i] + Y[i];
	fsd	fa5,-8(a5)	# _5, MEM[(double *)_56]
# daxpy.cpp:25:   for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
	bne	s1,a5,.L35	#, _14, ivtmp.133,

NOTE: Make sure to keep the simulation output for all of your simulation runs for your later analyses.


As mentioned before, you are allowed to submit your assignments in pairs and in PDF format. You should submit your report on gradescope, In your report answer the questions presented in Analysis and simulation, Analysis and simulation: Step 0, Analysis and simulation: Step I, Analysis and simulation: Step II, and Analysis and simulation: Step III. Use clear reasoning and visualization to drive your conclusions. Submit all your code through your assignment repository. Please make sure to include code/scripts for the following.

  • should include instruction on how to run your simulations.
  • Automation: code/scripts to run your simulations.
  • Configuration: python file configuring the systems you need to simulate.


Like your submission, your grade is split into two parts.

  1. Reproducibility Package (50 points):
    1. Instruction and automation to run simulations for different section and dump statistics (20 points)
      • Instructions (10 points)
      • Automation (10 points)
    2. Configuration scripts and correct simulation setup (30 points): 3 points for each configuration as described in Analysis and simulation: Step I, Analysis and simulation: Step II, and Analysis and simulation: Step III
  2. Report (50 points): 1 point for Analysis and simulation: Step 0, 7 points for each question presented in Analysis and simulation: Step I, Analysis and simulation: Step II, Analysis and simulation: Step III

Academic misconduct reminder

You are required to work on this assignment in teams. You are only allowed to share you scripts and code with your teammate(s). You may discuss high level concepts with others in the class but all the work must be completed by your team and your team only.

Remember, DO NOT POST YOUR CODE PUBLICLY ON GITHUB! Any code found on GitHub that is not the base template you are given will be reported to SJA. If you want to sidestep this problem entirely, don’t create a public fork and instead create a private repository to store your work.


  • Start early and ask questions on Piazza and in discussion.
  • If you need help, come to office hours for the TA, or post your questions on Piazza.

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