
Assignment 1 – (100 Points)

Originally from University of Wisconsin-Madison CS/ECE 752 .

Modified for ECS 201A, Winter 2024.

Due on 1/19 1:59 pm (PST): See Submission for details

Table of Contents


You should submit your report in pairs and in PDF format. Make sure to start early and post any questions you might have on Piazza. The standard late assignment policy applies.

Use classroom: assignment 1 to create an assignment. You will be asked to join/create an assignment. If your teammate has already created an assignment, please join their assignment instead of creating one assignment otherwise create your assignment and ask your teammate to join the assignment.


In this assignment you are going to:

  • see a practical demonstration of the Iron Law of computer architecture,
  • measure the performance differences of a single-cycle like processor vs an in-order pipelined processor,
  • see how the measured performance scales as CPU clock frequency changes,
  • and see the effect of memory bandwidth and latency on measured performance.

You are going to use a matrix multiplication program as the workload for your experiments. Matrix multiplication is a commonly used kernel in many domains such as linear algebra, machine learning, and fluid dynamics.


For this assignment, we are going to use a matrix multiplication program as our workload. The program takes an integer as input that determines the size of the square matrices A, B, and C.

void multiply(double **A, double **B, double **C, int size)
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        for (int k = 0; k < size; k++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
                C[i][j] += A[i][k] * B[k][j];

You can find the definitions for the workload objects in gem5 under workloads/ In this assignment, we will only be using MatMulWorkload. In order to create an object of MatMulWorkload you just need to pass matrix size (an integer) mat_size to its constructor (__init__) function.

In your configuration choose an appropriate value for mat_size. It should be large enough that it makes your workload interesting. Since changing mat_size will influence simulation time, as a guideline, choose a value that results in simulation times less than 10 minutes (hostSeconds < 600). We found that setting mat_size to 224 will result in a simulation time of around 5 minutes which is a reasonable compromise.

Experimental setup

For this assignment, we will set up an experiment to see effect of changing a system’s component on it performance. You will need to write configuration scripts using gem5 stdlib that allow you to change the CPU model, CPU and cache frequency, and memory model. Under the components directory, you will find modules that define the different models that you should use in your configuration scripts.

  • Board models: You can find all the models you need to use for your CPU (processor) under components/ You will only be using HW1RISCVBoard in this assignment.
  • CPU models: You can find all the models you need to use for your CPU (processor) under components/
  • Cache models: You can find all the models you need to use for your cache hierarchy under components/ You will only use HW1MESITwoLevelCache in this assignment.
  • Memory models: You can find all the models you need to use for your memory under components/

Analysis and simulation

Complete the following steps and answer the questions for your report. Collect data from your simulation runs and use simulator statistics to answer the questions. Use clear reasoning and visualization to drive your conclusions. You are allowed to submit your reports in pairs and in PDF format.

Before starting with simulations, answer the following questions in your report.

  1. What metrics should you use to measure the performance of a computer system? Why?
  2. Why is it not always possible to use the same metrics for performance to evaluate computer systems?
  3. Define the Iron law of processor performance.

Step I: Changing the CPU model and CPU and cache clock frequency

Before running any simulations try to answer these questions.

  1. At the same clock frequency, between a single-cycle CPU (HW1TimingSimpleCPU) and an in-order pipelined CPU (HW1MinorCPU) which CPU will exhibit better performance? Why?
  2. Between a single-cycle CPU (HW1TimingSimpleCPU) and an in-order pipelined CPU (HW1MinorCPU) CPU which one is going to be more sensitive to changing the clock frequency? Why?

In your configuration script allow for:

  • changing the CPU model between HW1TimingSimpleCPU and HW1MinorCPU
  • and changing the clock frequency between 1GHz, 2GHz, and 4GHz

Use HW1DDR3_1600_8x8 as the memory model.

In your report, answer the same questions after simulation supported with data. A complete set of simulation data for this step should include 6 configurations (2 options for CPU model * 3 options for clock frequency).

Step II: Changing the CPU and memory model

Before running any simulations try to answer these questions:

  1. What would be the impact on the overall performance of a computer system if we were to enhance the memory bandwidth and reduce its latency?
  2. Which CPU model (between HW1TimingSimpleCPU and HW1MinorCPU) will benefit more from improving memory performance? Why?

In your configuration allow for:

  • changing the CPU model between HW1TimingSimpleCPU and HW1MinorCPU.
  • and changing the memory model between HW1DDR3_1600_8x8, HW1DDR3_2133_8x8, and HW1LPDDR3_1600_1x32.

We can calculate the bandwidth of the memory model. Let’s take an example of HW1DDR3_1600_8x8. Here we have a DDR3 DRAM device of 1600 MHz and a width of 8 bytes. The bandwidth of this device can be given by:

  • peak BW = 1.6 x 8 = 12.8 GB/s
  • Similarly for HWDDR3_2133_8x8, peak BW = 2.133 x 8 = 17.057 GB/s
  • For the LPDDR3_1600_1x32, the peak BW = 1.6 x 4 = 6.4 GB/s

You can see the peak bandwidth in the stats.txt.

Latency for memory devices is given by the amount of time it takes to access the data. The terminology associated with it is called row cycle time (tRC). tRC is given by row access time (tRAS) and precharge time (tRP). tRC times are given as:

  • HW1DDR3_1600_8x8   –  48.75 ns
  • HW1DDR3_2133_8x8   –  46.09 ns
  • HW1DDR3_1600_1x32  –  58 ns

The above memory models have the following characteristics

memory model frequency width bandwidth latency
HW1DDR3_1600_8x8 1600 MHz 8 12.8 GB/s 48.75 ns
HW1DDR3_2133_8x8 2133 MHz 8 17.057 GB/s 46.09 ns
HW1LPDDR3_1600_1x32 1600 MHz 4 6.4 GB/s 58 ns

Use 4GHz as the clock frequency.

NOTE: To become familiar with the different memory models you will use in this assignment, please read through the documentation for the different memory models in components/

In your report, answer the same questions after simulation supported with data. A complete set of simualtion data for this step should include 6 configurations (2 options for CPU model * 3 options for memory model).

Step III: Using different compiler optimizations

In this step, you’ll be using different compiler optimizations to run the same matrix multiplication program. Compiler optimization flags are options that can be used to improve the performance of the program. The default version of the matrix multiply program is compiled with the flag -O2:

g++ -o mm mm.cpp -static -O2

We have compiled binaries with flags -O0 and -O3.

The former is a binary without any compiler optimizations. The latter applies most of the optimizations that gcc (or llvm/clang) supports.

This usually means that there are fewer instructions in the more optimized version of the program. Let’s look at the following computation: $z = \alpha x + y$. This operation first multiplies $\alpha$ and $x$, and then adds $y$ to the result. Assume that x, y and z are all float. In modern processors, these two steps are usually combined in a single multiply and accumulate or MAC operation. If the compiler detects such computations, it’ll try to optimize this from two ld and one st to a MAC operation like fmadd.d instruction. When we look at the assembly, it generates an fmadd.d rd, rs1, rs2, rs3.

Let us look at a C++ example. For the function defined below, we used godbolt to generate its RISCV assembly using different compiler optimization flags:

float multiply_and_accumulate(float alpha, float x, float y) {
    return alpha * x + y;

When using -O0, we get the following output:

multiply_and_accumulate(float, float, float):
        addi    sp,sp,-32
        sd      s0,24(sp)
        addi    s0,sp,32
        fsw     fa0,-20(s0)
        fsw     fa1,-24(s0)
        fsw     fa2,-28(s0)
        flw     fa4,-20(s0)
        flw     fa5,-24(s0)
        fmul.s  fa4,fa4,fa5
        flw     fa5,-28(s0)
        fadd.s  fa5,fa4,fa5
        fmv.s   fa0,fa5
        ld      s0,24(sp)
        addi    sp,sp,32
        jr      ra

When using -O1, we get the following output:

multiply_and_accumulate(float, float, float):
        fmul.s  fa0,fa0,fa1
        fadd.s  fa0,fa0,fa2

Finally, when using -O2 or -O3 for this code, we get the following:

multiply_and_accumulate(float, float, float):
        fmadd.s fa0,fa0,fa1,fa2

For this experiment, use the HW1TimingSimpleCPU and HW1DDR3_1600_8x8 for this step.

Before running any simulations try to answer this question, which has 4 parts:

  1. Which program do you think will perform better?
  2. What part of the Iron Law are you optimizing in this step?
  3. Do you think if you use CISC ISA, the results will further improve? Why?

In your report, answer the same questions after simulation supported with data. A complete set of simulation data for this step should include two configurations (one for -O0 and one for -O3)

Step IV: General questions

Having completed your simulation runs and analyses, answer this final question in your report.

  1. If you were to use a different application, do you think your conclusions would change? Why?


Your submission is split into two parts. Read the following sections for details on each part.

Part I: Reproducibility package

As part of your submission, you should include any script/code/file that might be needed to rerun your gem5 experiments. This may include configuration scripts that define set up the simulation, python/shell/etc. scripts that drive your simulations using your configuration scripts, any document including instruction on how to run your simulations. You should do this through your assignment’s repository. Ensure that you commit and push your changes from your local repository to the remote repository. Add clear and relevant commit messages to your commits. NOTE: Any commits/pushes past the assignment deadline will be ignored.

Part II: Report

As mentioned before, you are allowed to submit your assignments in pairs and in PDF format. You should submit your report on gradescope. In your report answer the questions presented in Analysis and simulation, Analysis and simulation: Step I, Analysis and simulation: Step II, Analysis and simulation: Step III, and Analysis and simulation: Step IV. Use clear reasoning and visualization to drive your conclusions.


Like your submission, your grade is split into two parts.

  1. Reproducibility Package (50 points):
    • Instruction and automation to run simulations for different section and dump statistics (20 points)
    • Instructions (10 points)
    • Automation (10 points)
    • Configuration scripts and correct simulation setup (30 points): 2.5 points for each configuration as described in Analysis and simulation: Step I and Analysis and simulation: Step II
  2. Report (50 points): See the gradescope page for the complete breakdown for each of the questions.

Academic misconduct reminder

You are required to work on this assignment in teams. You are only allowed to share you scripts and code with your teammate(s). You may discuss high-level concepts with others in the class but all the work must be completed by your team and your team only.

Remember, DO NOT POST YOUR CODE PUBLICLY ON GITHUB! Any code found on GitHub that is not the base template you are given will be reported to SJA. If you want to sidestep this problem entirely, don’t create a public fork and instead create a private repository to store your work.


  • Start early and ask questions on Piazza and in discussion.
  • If you need help, come to office hours for the TA, or post your questions on Piazza.

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