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EEC 272/ECS 201C: Advanced Computer Architecture

UC Davis Graduate Advanced Computer Architecture course offered by Venkatesh Akella and Jason Lowe-Power Spring Quarter 2021.

This page contains details about the class project.

Under construction


The deliverable for the project in this class will be an NSF-like proposal. We recognize that 10 weeks is not enough time to complete a research project. However, we do believe that it’s enough time to write a good research proposal!

At the bottom of this page you will find a list of ideas with a set of papers to get you started on each. If nothing on the list is interesting to you, you can propose your own idea. You must talk to Professor Akella or Lowe-Power by April 23 if you want to propose your own idea


You will complete three “sub” parts for the class project. First, you will present the problem and prior work during the 7th week of class (May 11 or May 13). Then, you will present your idea to solve this problem and preliminary data during the last week of class (June 1 or June 3). Finally, you will turn in the project report on June 7.

Problem and prior work presentation (30% of grade)


Idea and preliminary data presentation (30% of grade)


Final report template (40% of grade)




Managing Hybrid (Heterogeneous) Memory

RISC-V EcoSystem (Using FireSim)

Sparse Graphs, Sparse Linear Algebra

Microarchitecture Optimization with ML


Your Own Ideas