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DINO CPU Assignments

Assignments for UC Davis Computer Architecture 154B. See the Class Website for details

Chisel Overview

This document explains a little about Chisel.


“Chisel is an open-source hardware construction language developed at UC Berkeley that supports advanced hardware design using highly parameterized generators and layered domain-specific hardware languages.”

You can find out more about Chisel on the UC Berkeley Website

There’s significant documentation on Chisel from the Berkeley group. In this and other documents in the Chisel notes in this repository, we try to pull out the important parts of the documentation for this project.

If you want to go deeper into Chisel, I suggest starting with the Chisel bootcamp. However, this has a number of esoteric software package requirements that are not available in the DINO CPU Singularity container, so you are on your own :).

Table of Contents

Next: Getting started with Chisel