
DINO CPU Assignment 4: The Why of Caching.

Originally from ECS 154B Lab 4, Winter 2023.

Table of Contents


Caching is among the most influential ideas in computing. In fact, the concept reaches many fields of computer science. Examples can be found in from almost all hardware architectures, such as the idea of translation lookup buffers (TLBs) or the use of memory cache system, to various software designs, such as DNS caching or web caching.

In essence, the idea of caching is to store previously acquired data in a cache that is close to the component uses the data. The idea utilizes the assumption that the cost of making a copy of the data is low, as well as the the cost of querying for the data in a cache is less expensive compared to acquiring the data again. As a result, if the data is frequently requested, the cache could help bringing down the average cost of requesting for that data. In other words, we are trading the cost of acquiring the data with fast storage capacity.

However, caching does not inherently improve the performance of a system. Caching adds an extra cost of querying for the existence of data in the cache, and since the capacity of a cache is limited, the cache system needs extra work to maintain the entries in the cache. Due to physical constraints, such as area, power, and latency, the cache closer to the core tends to have drastically smaller capacity than the ones further away from the core. Thus, designing a performant memory cache in a core imposes a huge challenge to the designers.

In this assignment, we will investigate the performance of a computer system with a pipelined CPU core, a memory system, and various cache design decisions. The assignment is designed as follows: we will introduce each of the components of the computer system that we are going to investigate, then we will introduce the benchmarks that will be subsequently used for performance evaluation and performance analysis. In terms of implementation, most of the system is implemented. However, we will ask you to complete the hazard detection unit for the new pipelined CPU.

Updating DINO CPU on GitHub Codespaces / CSIF machines

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Follow the following link to access assignment 4: .

The above link will automatically create a repo in the GitHub Classroom page that only you have the access to.

In the event that the template repo is updated, your own repo won’t be automatically updated. You don’t need to keep track of the template repo, unless we found an error in the assignment, in which case, we will make an announcement on Piazza and provide ways to update your repo.


  • Core/CPU terminology: In technical terms, the cache system resides on a CPU. We will use the term “core” to refer to the pipeline, and the term “CPU” to refer to the pipeline and the cache system.
  • Memory Latency: The time between when a memory device receives a request and when it completes the request.
  • Memory Hierarchy: A series of memory devices that, the lower level a memory device is, the higher memory latency it has.
  • Memory System: All memory devices including the cache system and RAM.
  • Memory Transaction: A memory device can send a memory request to its lower next memory device, which will send back the corresponding memory response when the request is complete. The DINOCPU memory system returns 8 bytes of requested data for each memory read request.
  • Dirty Cache Entry: A cache entry is written to at some point that has yet to be written back to the lower level memory.
  • Cache Entry Eviction: When there is a cache miss, a cache system will have to send a memory request to get the data to the cache. Upon receiving the response, if all cache entry are occupied, one of the cache current entry will be evicted, i.e., this entry will be sent to the next lower level memory if the next lower level memory does not have the most recent value of the dirty entry. The evicted entry will be replaced by the new data.
  • LRU replacement policy: When all cache entry are occupied, the cache entry with that was least recently accessed.

The Computer System

system_diagrams Figure 1. Illustration of the systems that we use for evaluating different memory cache structures. On each system, the left arrows are wires responsible for sending instruction memory requests/responses, while the right arrows are wires responsible for sending data memory requests/responses.

The Core

We will use the same pipeline that we built in the assignment 3. However, the memory interface is slightly tweaked to support memory devices of which the latency of a memory request is unknown to the core [1].

Note that both instructions and data come from memory devices. As a result, extra care should be taken to ensure correct instructions enter the pipeline, as well as the correct data are received. For this assignment, you will update the hazard unit to make sure that the the core receives correct instructions/data from the cache system.

The Cache System

We will use one-level cache system for this assignment. We call this a split L1 Cache.

The split L1 Cache consists of two components: an L1 Instruction Cache (L1I) and L1 Data Cache (L1D). The Instruction Cache is optimized for read-only accesses. The Data Cache supports both read and write operations. Each of the L1I and L1D is 4-way associative cache having 32 entries. The cache block size is 8 bytes. Each cache uses the LRU replacement policy, and the write-back write policy.

DINOCPU Cache Details

Each cache component consists of one CacheTable and one CacheMemory.

A CacheMemory is an array of registers containing all cache blocks. Note that CacheMemory only has the data, it doesn’t have metadata.

A CacheTable is a table of CacheEntrys, where each CacheEntry contains the metadata uniquely identifies a cache block, as well as metadata indicating the status of the cache block, and a pointer to the cache block data in the CacheMemory.

A CacheEntry is structured as followed,

class CacheEntry(val numEntryIndexingBits:Int, val numTagBits: Int) extends Bundle {
  val valid  = Bool()                       // Whether this entry contains valid data.
  val dirty  = Bool()                       // Whether this entry is written to by the core. Default to False, set to True upon a write request.
  val tag    = UInt(numTagBits.W)           // Contains the tag bits.
  val memIdx = UInt(numEntryIndexingBits.W) // Where is it in the cache memory.
  val age    = UInt(32.W)                   // When was the most recent access to this cache block.

For example,

idx 27 -> CacheEntry(valid ->  1, dirty ->  1, tag -> 211, memIdx -> 27, age -> 17614)


  • valid -> 1: The entry contains valid data.
  • dirty -> 1: The entry was written to.
  • tag -> 211: The tag bits are 211 in decimal, or 0xd3 in hexadecimal.
  • memIdx -> 27: The 28th entry of CacheMemory has data of this cache block.
  • age -> 17614: The most recent access to this cache block was in the cycle of 17614.

The RAM Device

The RAM Device is the lowest level memory device in the DINOCPU system. All accesses to the RAM device incurs a 30 CPU cycles latency.

The Benchmarks

For this assignment, we evaluate the effectiveness of the cache system using a benchmark called stream, which is inspired by the popular STREAM benchmark.

The workloads are named as followed,



  • each element is of size 16 bits.
  • n: number of memory accesses per array per iteration.
  • stride: the distance between two consecutive elements.
  • -noverify: if the workload verifies the result array.

For this assignment, we will use stream-64-stride-1.riscv and stream-64-stride-4.riscv for verifying the correctness of the pipelined implentation. The stream-64-stride-1-noverify.riscv and stream-64-stride-4-noverify.riscv are used for performance evaluation.

benchmark Figure 2. The main part of the stream benchmarks consists of calling the copy() function twice. When running each of the benchmarks, the CPU spends most time executing the instruction inside the copy() function.

Part I: Implementing the Hazard Detection Unit for Non Combinational Pipelined CPU

In this part, you will complete the hazard detection unit for the non combinational pipelined CPU in components/hazardnoncombin.scala. The descriptions on top of the file that file should give explanation for the meaning of each signal. The following subsections describe the changes in the cores as well as in the memory. Note that you don’t have to change any component other than the hazard unit for the non combinational core.

The new memory interface


Figure 3. The new memory interface, which includes a bundle of valid/ready/good signals that are used for synchronization between the core and the memory subsystem. Both imem and dmem use the new memory interface. Other than the new signals, the input signals and output signals of the memory are the same. E.g., for the instruction memory interface, the memory request signal consists of the address signal, and the memory response signal consists of instruction signal.

The contract between the core and the Memory Interface

  • The core only sends a request when Memory is ready, and the core sets the valid signal to true.
  • The memory only processes one request at a time.
  • If the memory receives a request in the current cycle, it will start processing the request in the next cycle.
  • If the memory is not ready, then even if the CPU sets valid to 1, the memory does not receive the request.
  • There is no mechanism for cancelling a memory request that was received by a memory component.
  • The memory only guarantees the response to be correct if and only if the good signal is 1. This means, if the good signal is 0, the response might contain garbage.
  • The good signal is only set to one for 1 cycle. This means, the response is only guaranteed to be correct in that cycle.
  • A load instruction will result in a read memory request being sent to the memory subsystem.
  • A store instruction will result in a read memory request and a write memory request being sent to the memory subsystem.

Updating the Pipelined CPU

The pipelined CPU that is compatible with non combinational memory components is located at pipelined/cpu-noncombin.scala file. You don’t have to modify the cpu-noncombin.scala file.

The DINO CPU have a new memory interface for both imem and dmem for this assignment.

The code for the Non Combination Pipelined CPU is mostly the same as the Pipelined CPU. However, we are going to use the HazardUnitNonCombin rather than HazardUnit.

Debugging the Hazard Unit

There are tools implemented for debugging the hazard unit,

  • You can use the single stepper for debugging using the following commands,
runMain dinocpu.singlestep <test_name> 1 pipelined-non-combin
  • You can uncomment this line here of cpu-noncombin.scala to see the PCs of the instructions in the pipeline for each cycle.

  • You can uncomment this code block here of cpu-noncombin.scala to see the sequence of PCs of the instructions that are in the writeback stage.

For debugging the hazard unit when running large applications, it is useful to compare the committed instruction traces of a benchmark when running the single-cycle cpu and the pipelined-non-combin cpu.

An instruction is “committed” means that instruction is complete its execution. For the single-cycle cpu, since it executes all instructions in 1 cycle, every instruction the cpu executes are committed. In a 5-stage pipelined cpu, it means the instruction goes through all 5 stages. Since if an instruction ever reaches the WB stage, it will complete all of its 5 stages. Therefore, you can track all instructions reached the WB stage and see the sequences of instructions being committed. Since each binary has one program order regardless of the microarchitectures, if the 5-stage cpu is correctly implemented, its commit trace must be exactly the same as the single-cycle cpu commit trace for every binary.

By comparing the traces, you can figure out the problematic cycle, and use the single stepper to step to that cycle and see what happened in that cycle.


  • The instruction outputted by imem is only correct when imem’s good signal is 1.
  • Similarly, the readdata outputted by dmem is only correct when dmem’s good signal is 1.
  • There’s no new control hazard or new data hazard. We are modifying the hazard unit because we can stall and flush stage registers using the hazard unit. In other words, the control hazards and data hazards are the same as in the previous assignments.
  • One way to think about this assignment is to list all combinations of hazards and timing signals and decide what to do in each scenario.
  • It’s easier to start with making sure only correct instructions enter the pipeline. Meaning, only advance an instruction from IF stage to ID stage when imem’s good signal is set.
  • There are multiple ways of handling control hazards and data dependencies. You can follow discussion sessions for suggested ways. However, the suggestions might not be the most optimal. You are encouraged to discuss the timing in the pipeline with your peers/TAs/instructor. You must write the code yourself, however.
  • There’s no guarantee in terms of memory request latency when there is a cache miss. Therefore, the CPU should solely rely on ready/good signals to decide when to send a memory request and to receive a memory response. Explanation for those signals can be found in the discussions slides.

Testing the Non Combinational Pipelined CPU

Lab4 / testOnly dinocpu.SmallTestsPipelinedTesterLab4
Lab4 / testOnly dinocpu.FullApplicationsPipelinedTesterLab4

To run a test,

runMain dinocpu.simulate_predefined_system <system_name> <riscv_binary>

where, <system_name> is one of default, single-cycle, pipelined, system1, system2, system3, system4, system5, system6, system7, and system8.

The default system should be used for testing purposes. The default system is structurally the same as system1 except that the RAM latency is 1 cycle instead of 30 cycles in other systems.

The single-cycle and pipelined are both without caches and can access the RAM with latency of 0 cycle.


  • The tests on Gradescope are without caches.
  • For SmallTestsPipelinedTesterLab4 tests: It is expected that, if you are using a system with data caches, some of the store tests, ones start with s prefix, will fail because there are data in the cache that are not written back to the RAM yet! Those store tests only check the data in RAM rather than in cache, hence the test failures.
  • For FullApplicationsPipelinedTesterLab4 tests: This test suite includes stream-64-stride-1.riscv and stream-64-stride-4.riscv, which are used to ensure the benchmarks we used in Part II and Part III run correctly.

Part II: Performance Evaluation

For this assignment, we will consider 4 pipelined systems and 4 single-cycle systems,

  • System 1: Non Combinational Pipelined CPU + No Cache
  • System 2: Non Combinational Pipelined CPU + Instruction Cache (No Data Cache)
  • System 3: Non Combinational Pipelined CPU + Data Cache (No Instruction Cache)
  • System 4: Non Combinational Pipelined CPU + Instruction Cache + Data Cache

  • System 5: Non Combinational Single-Cycle CPU + No Cache
  • System 6: Non Combinational Single-Cycle CPU + Instruction Cache (No Data Cache)
  • System 7: Non Combinational Single-Cycle CPU + Data Cache (No Instruction Cache)
  • System 8: Non Combinational Single-Cycle CPU + Instruction Cache + Data Cache

To run a benchmark on a system,

runMain dinocpu.simulate_predefined_system <system_name> <riscv_binary>


  • <system_name> is one of default, single-cycle, pipelined, system1, system2, system3, system4, system5, system6, system7, and system8. The default system should be used for testing purposes. The default system is structurally the same as system1 except that the RAM latency is 1 cycle instead of 30 cycles in other systems. The single-cycle and pipelined are both without caches and can access the RAM with latency of 0 cycle.
  • <riscv_binary> is name of the benchmark.

Notes: Since there are multiple ways of dealing with timing in a CPU, each correct implementation might slightly differs in terms of the optimality, and thus we don’t expect to see exactly the same amount of cycles per each data point when comparing your implementation with the solution. However, as long as the correctness is ensured, the general trend of the number of cycles should not differ. I.e., there are some systems that are strictly slower than others. Therefore, we opt to use graphs rather than exact numbers for reporting data.

Notes: You don’t have to report raw data or how the calculation was done for question 2, question 3, and question 4. If you are unsure about the correctness of the graph, you can show the formula that you used to generate the data for the graph. However, the graphs must have the X-axis and Y-axis with labels and units.

Question 1 (5 points)

Determine the number of dynamic instructions of the stream-64-stride-1-noverify.riscv and the stream-64-stride-4-noverify.riscv.

Hint: Regardless of microarchitectures, the amount of dynamic instruction must be the same for each binary compiled using the RV64IM instruction set. The single-cycle might be useful for this question as a memory request is completed within a cycle.

Hint: DINOCPU simulations output the number of cycles, and does not output the number of simulated instructions. Part of the Iron Law might be useful for the calculation step.

Question 2 (10 points)

Create a graph representing the CPI of the Non Combinational CPU in 8 systems described above with the stream-64-stride-1-noverify.riscv benchmark and the stream-64-stride-4-noverify.riscv benchmark. The X-axis should be grouped by systems.


Figure 4. An example of a CPI graph with the collected data. The data on the graph are not the real CPI of running the mentioned benchmarks on the four systems.

Question 3 (10 points)

Assuming that the pipelined non combinational CPU is clocked at 2.5GHz and the single-cycle non combinational CPU is clocked at 1.5GHz. Create a graph representing the execution time of the 8 systems with the stream-64-stride-1-noverify.riscv benchmark and the stream-64-stride-4-noverify.riscv benchmark.

Question 4 (15 points)

Assume that the pipelined non combinational CPU is clocked at 2.5GHz. Create a graph illustrating the effective bandwidth of system 4 when running each of stream-64-stride-1-noverify.riscv and stream-64-stride-4-noverify.riscv benchmarks.

Effective bandwidth is defined as the amount of data used by the core per second. For example, when the core executes an ld instruction, it uses 8 bytes (64 bits) of data in that cycle.

Note: The unit can be bytes/second, or a multiple of bytes/second, such as KiB/second and MiB/second.

Note: Instructions are not counted as data.

Hint: Even though a store instruction results in a memory read request and a memory write request the number of processed elements is still one element per store instruction. However, the number of cache accesses per each store instruction is two. Therefore, the cache stats are not reliable for calculating the efficient memory bandwidth without further analysis.

Hint: The number of data elements can be derived from the assembly code or the C code depicted in Figure 2. The vast majority of memory accesses of the benchmarks are produced by the loops in Figure 2, so you can ignore the memory accesses outside these loops.

Question 5 (10 points)

Create a graph representing the L1 data cache hit ratio and the L1 instruction cache hit ratio when running each of stream-64-stride-1-noverify.riscv and stream-64-stride-4-noverify.riscv benchmarks with system 4.

Part III: Performance Analysis

Question 6 (10 points)

Between data cache and instruction cache, do you think which cache has more impact on performance? Explain why using the data from part II.

Question 7 (10 points)

From the data from Part II, you should see system 4 performs better when running stream-64-stride-1-noverify.riscv compared to running stream-64-stride-4-noverify.riscv. Explain why using the data from part II.

Question 8 (10 points)

Use the CPI and execution time from Part II to compare the performance between the pipelined and single-cycle non combinational CPU. Explain why the single-cycle non combinational CPU might have lower CPI than the pipelined non combinational CPU.

Hint: Look at the source code of the benchmarks and think about what hazards that exists in the pipelined CPU but not in the single-cycle CPU.



Part I will be automatically graded on Gradescope. See the Submission section for more details.

Part Percentage
Part 4.1 20%
Part 4.2 Question 1 5%
Part 4.2 Question 2 10%
Part 4.2 Question 3 10%
Part 4.2 Question 4 15%
Part 4.3 Question 5 10%
Part 4.3 Question 6 10%
Part 4.3 Question 7 10%
Part 4.3 Question 8 10%
Extra Credits 10%


Warning: read the submission instructions carefully. Failure to adhere to the instructions will result in a loss of points.

Code Portion

You will upload the following files to Gradescope on the Assignment 4 - Code Portion assignment,

  • src/main/scala/components/hazardnoncombin.scala

Once uploaded, Gradescope will automatically download and run your code. This should take less than 40 minutes. For each part of the assignment, you will receive a grade. If all of your tests are passing locally, they should also pass on Gradescope unless you made changes to the I/O, which you are not allowed to do.

Note: Make sure that you comment out or remove all printing statements in your submissions. There are a lot of long tests for this assignment. The auto-grader might fail complete grading within the allocated time if there are too many output statements.

Written Portion

You will upload your answers for the Assignment 4 - Written Portion assignment to Gradescope. Please upload a separate page for each answer! Additionally, I believe Gradescope allows you to circle the area with your final answer. Make sure to do this!

We will not grade any questions for which we are unable to read. Be sure to check your submission to make sure it’s legible, right-side-up, etc.

Academic misconduct reminder

You are to work on this project individually. You may discuss high level concepts with one another (e.g., talking about the diagram), but all work must be completed on your own.

Remember, DO NOT POST YOUR CODE PUBLICLY ON GITHUB! Any code found on GitHub that is not the base template you are given will be reported to SJA. If you want to sidestep this problem entirely, don’t create a public fork and instead create a private repository to store your work. GitHub now allows everybody to create unlimited private repositories for up to three collaborators, and you shouldn’t have any collaborators for your code for this assignment.


  • Start early! Completing part 4.1 is essential for the next parts.
  • If you need help, come to office hours for the TAs, or post your questions on Piazza.

Extra Credits (10 points)

Improve the performance of the non combination pipelined CPU when running any of application in the Full Application tests and their -loops-unrolled variants. You can find the tests here and here.

The new CPU performance should match one of the following cases,

  1. General performance improvement across most full application tests. It’s okay to have a marginal performance improvement in this case.
  2. The CPU performs especially well (>1.1x speedup) on a couple of full applications, while suffers slowdowns on other full applications. Those designs are called application accelerators.


  • You are not allowed to modify the latency or capacity of the existing memory components.
  • You are also not allowed to change the memory hierarchy, such as adding another level of cache.

However, you can make any changes to the core such as adding more components to the core. You also can change the internal of the memory components, such as changing the cache replacement policy, or allowing the memory interface to send a response and receive a request within the same cycle, or optimize the state diagram of the cache component.

To submit the extra credits portion, email either TAs or the instruction with the following files,

  • A zip file containing all files that you modified.
  • A pdf report describing what you did to improve the performance of the CPU, and the speedups/slowdowns achieved from the Full Application tests.


The assignment should show that, on a realistic setup, it is very hard to keep all stages of the 5-stage pipeline busy when every memory access is expensive. Even with fast caches, keeping the IPC for this pipeline close to the ideal 1.0 is unattainable if you want to keep the CPU frequency high.

Not only does the 5-stage pipeline suffer from the problem of memory being slower than the core, but to keep the pipeline as busy as possible, modern architectures have a fetch stage with ability to fetch and issue multiple instructions at a time, and speculatively fetches instructions to instruction cache, and fetches data to data cache. These techniques, along with multi-issue, multi-way execution, and using load/store queues, are for exploiting ILP.

However, exploiting ILP can only help improving the performance so much until the CPU has to run a memory-intensive applications. Even if a CPU can hold limited amount of load/store instructions at a time, there’s a limit on how many requests can be processed in parallel. In the next assignment, you will explore a case where, even though the applications are memory-intensive, if the data can be independently processed, there are DLP techniques in hardware that helps increasing the throughput of memory accesses.

On the hardware/software interaction side, for this assignment, the simple benchmarks should reveal the effectiveness of the cache system on different program behaviors. Having a cache system, even a simple one like in the DINO CPU, drastically improves the performance of the system on a lot of real world applications. That is why even a low-end chip has some short of a cache system, and why a high-end chip tends to dedicate a lot of its area for the cache system.

However, a cache system does not always improve the performance for all workloads. In fact, by introducing a cache system, we are making the latency of pulling data from memory higher. There are algorithms that are naturally cache unfriendly, and it is still an open question on whether the cache system should be able to adapt to a variety algorithms, or the software developers should reprogram the program to maximize the utilization of the cache system.

On the other hand, as you can see from the assignment, the timing within a computer system is significantly dependent on the behavior of workload itself, and a small change in a system, like a slightly larger cache size, might significantly change the performance of a system. Thus, performance evaluation of a new system is usually heavily relied on simulations. For the next assignment, you’ll investigate the performance of a system with an even more sophisticated cache system where the cache system has to handle accesses from multiple CPU cores while having to ensure the correctness of the program. We will use another simulator, gem5, which comes with a variety of cache coherency protocols allowing investigating the performance of a multiple cores system.


Cache miss latency might vary

[1] This is not because the latency of a memory device is hidden from the CPU. This is a complication caused by internal activities of a memory device that are abstracted away by the CPU/Memory interface. Consider a cache miss in an L1D cache which causes the L1D cache to pull a cache block from memory to L1D cache. However, since the cache is full, it needs to evict an entry to memory. Note that, the cache sends to response to the CPU as soon as it sends the eviction request to memory. In the next instruction, there could be an L1D cache miss again. However, the memory might be busy with the previous eviction request, so the L1D cache must wait for the memory to complete that request before it can pull a cache block to memory. Thus, the cache miss latency might vary from access to access.

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